Patient management.

Focus on people

Project Description


High quality care.

The patient is at the heart of healthcare. Its high quality supply should be the measure of all things. The control and management of rare and chronic diseases and patients in need of care is becoming increasingly complex and difficult.

This is where the development of population-oriented and indication-oriented “patient management programs” helps, which are specifically geared to the needs of the patients.

But not only disease-specific concepts may be taken into account; to maintain the quality of life and independence of the patients.

Approaches of the I.f.G.V.
• Home care concepts, which should maintain independence and security of the patient in the home environment.
• Care management programs that make home and inpatient care for patients, relatives and professional caregivers safer, less stressful and of higher quality are also part of our services.
• The development and implementation of new cooperation models, such as the implementation of the transfer of medicine in pilot projects or the establishment of new regional health centers.


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